What to expect in the Chinese economy ↗️. Interesting outlook for 2019 by McKinsey! Please read the full report here: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/china/what-can-we-expect-in-china-in-2019.

Technology Obliges
What to expect in the Chinese economy ↗️. Interesting outlook for 2019 by McKinsey! Please read the full report here: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/china/what-can-we-expect-in-china-in-2019.
SDG #8: Decent work and economic growth “With great technology comes great responsibility” The European Technology Chamber (EUTECC) believes that technology obliges and should serve
“Made in China 2025” initiative was launched by Chinese government in 2015 with the aim to transform China into an innovative hi-tech powerhouse and a leading industrial
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