EU Tech Flash European Senate of Economy and Technology

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Discover how the European Senate of Economy and Technology provides support in solving the most important questions of our future – in the interests of the common good.

The European Senate of Economy and Technology is a think tank at the European and supranational level with the vision to support the worldwide knowledge of technology, to reach the 17 #SDGs of the United Nations and to focus on ethics, corporate governance, social responsibility and compliance in economics, politics and society.

To become a senator, one must be advocated by an esteemed personage or by one of the European Senate of Economy and Technology representatives.

The title “Senator” is a conscious decision to live with principles, and to work towards the common good.

Follow the EU Tech Chamber to stay up to date with the most innovative technologies and also on the European Senate, our strategic partner!

Watch here our new EU Tech Flash and dive into the European Senate!

#eutech #technologyobliges #europeansenate #commongood #innovation #technology

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