EUTEC – TechBreakfast @ WHU Campus Düsseldorf

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Under the motto “European Tech Leadership” we have launched a new, monthly, event
format: a short, crisp breakfast with an 18-minute tech talk on an innovative technology topic
and subsequent networking; a total of one hour to start a new day inspired by refreshing
New technologies will be the driver as to who will be among the global market leaders in the
future. Following the EU’s DIGITALEUROPE strategy, the topics of the hour are: 5G, 3D printing,
blockchain / DLTS, artificial intelligence, quantum computing. In the hype around these
buzzword topics, which in today’s world are essentially led by the USA and China, it is often
overlooked which are the real drivers of innovation, and where European companies have a
leading role to prepare for the “next step”. The European Technology Chamber with its
advocates started their “Unite the Clans” networking initiative, to bring together the best
minds from business and technology, this time including graduates from WHU, INSEAD,
London School of Economics and Harvard, to create a new ecosystem and to deliver answers
for the questions at hand.

Kick-off event:

EUTEC – TechBreakfast
Thursday, March 12, 2020
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Erkrather Straße 224a, 40233 Düsseldorf
TIME 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m., official part (end of networking 10:15 a.m.)
COSTS: 18 euros


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