After COVID-19, the world is forced to navigate the New Normal in terms of economic recovery. Latin America, although a vibrant market, is facing and tackling all the challenges. EUTEC Latin America Chapter would like to be a part of Latin America’s recovery forces and reactivate its economy.
In doing so, EUTEC Latin America Chapter Board jointly with AHKs from 20 LatAm countries would like to invite you to attend on July 14 – 17 a unique virtual fair — Virtual ExpoAlemania to reactivate LatAm Economy. EUTEC Chamber will be there with its advocates from the German Quality Tools group, such as ABUS, KIRCHHOFF Witte, JOKARI, Katimex, TESTBOY, ORBIS. You will find us at the Pavilion of Uruguay (@AHK Uruguay, @Uruguay XXI). To kick it off, we will also have a webinar held on Wednesday 15 July at 19:00 CET. Look forward to seeing you in the fair and the webinar!
Or contact us at martina.hageboelling@eutech-staging-wordpress.rz.mup-digital.com if you are interested to join.
For more info about the fair, please check the video: