Technology Obliges

EUTECH Welcome New Partner Rüdiger H. Peter

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EUTECH is excited to welcome Mr. Rüdiger H. Peter as an advocate. With over a decade of experience in startups, product development, board member experience, and consulting, Mr. Rudiger brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise. He is known for his ability to connect international IT talent with companies and projects in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, which makes him a valuable addition to EUTECH’s advocates.

The Shoring Company is also thrilled to provide their services to clients. Their certified IT development teams have proven track records and can support various use cases and tech stack capabilities. From digital product development to system integrations and automation, their teams can ramp up within one or two months. The Shoring Company has over 8,000 contracted and employed developers (no freelancers), making them a reliable and efficient partner for clients.

Most of The Shoring Company’s partners are located within the European Union, which aligns with EUTECH’s commitment to supporting local businesses and fostering economic growth in the region. With Mr. Rudiger’s expertise EUTECH advocates are poised for continued success in the IT industry.

#EUTECH #Advocate #Welcome #IT #EU #DACH

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