21 September – EU Tech Chamber Women In Tech Commission – Topic: How Women Impact VR, AR, and MR

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According to a recent global research, 82 percent of companies that are implementing XR expecting to see benefits meeting or exceeding their expectations. Some international corporations are employing immersive technologies to drive efficiencies, and these companies are seeing a strong return on investment. The breakthrough in augmented and virtual reality are made possible by the progress that we have seen in other fields like computing power, artificial intelligence, automation, and connectivity.

And personally VR, AR, and MR will be affecting our lives much more then ever. Those new experiences could isolate us rather than bring us together, could create empathy fatigue, or affect individuals and society (aggressiveness and effect of virtually killing someone in a VR game), etc.


Is it important to focus on guiding principles as a moral compass to navigate through and make decisions –  and how could women impact VR, AR, and MR experiences and future usage?

Join us on September 21st at 9am CEST to discuss such an important topic “ How Women Impact VR, AR, and MR ” with our brilliant speakers’ panellists for all over the world – for one remarkable discussion!

DATE               Tuesday, September 21, 2021

TIME                9:00 – 10.30 am CEST 

LOCATION     EU Tech Virtual Center

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