23 September – EU Tech Chamber China Chapter – Topic: Opportunities and Challenges of IoT in China

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In China, the ecosystem for the Internet of Things (IoT) has become increasingly mature as demand for industrial IoT applications continues to increase, due to positive and proactive government support.

The Chinese government has launched the “Made in China 2025” initiatives and “Internet Plus” strategy to integrate the country’s mobile internet, big data, cloud computing, and IoT initiatives to promote the extensive application of IoT and smart technologies. According to Gartner and Deloitte’s research, the scale of industrial IoT in China reached RMB 115.7Billion in 2014, accounting for 18% of the overall industry of IoT, while by 2020, it reached approximately RMB450 billion, accounting for 25% of the overall IoT.

Meanwhile, China is realizing the value of the IoT and transforming society through the mass-market deployment of smart homes, smart industry, and smart city solutions. China is estimated to be the largest IoT market with 64% of the 1.5 billion global cellular connections, including the rapidly growing mobile of IoT through connecting 960 million devices. This also means that IoT in China offers a variety of opportunities for foreign business participation, such as telcos, industry 4.0 system integrators, IoT platform developers, analytics software, product design, and supply chain.

But it is vital to have a clear understanding of its unique challenges and opportunities, especially for SMEs. Don’t miss out on the chance for a deep-dive understanding of it and the practical recommendations for European companies.

Join the EU Tech Chamber China Chapter webinar on September 23rd, 2021, Thursday at 9 am – 10:30 am (CEST) on the exciting topic “Opportunities and Challenges of IoT in China”. Register here to attend:

Register now:

DATE               Thursday, September 23, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 10.30 am CEST 

LOCATION     EU Tech Virtual Center

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