EUTECC Chairman appointed as Vice President Senat der Wirtschaft Deutschland e.V.

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EUTECC proudly announces that its Chairman Florian von Tucher has been appointed as Vice President Senat der Wirtschaft Deutschland e.V.

True to its motto “With great technology comes great responsibility” EUTECC promotes technology-based solutions to solve today’s most pressing global challenges and to achieve the UN SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals).

As EUTECC is building bridges for european technology companies abroad, especially in emerging and developing countries, this appointment will allow both organisations to build synergies and strengthen their ties to achieve their goals.

The Senate of Economy consists of individuals from the fields of economics, science and society, who are entirely aware of their responsibility towards state and society. They are ambassadors of the Senate and through their membership, they contribute to implement the aims of the Senate with respect to political, economic, cultural and media-related decision-makers. Hence, the Senate of Economy revives the traditional idea of the Senate in ancient times. A well-balanced circle of friends with an independent mind strove for public good, and not merely personal interests. The ethical principles of the Senate should be a foundation and a guideline for the economic activity of the members of the Senate.
Equity and partnership in commercial life, social skills of enterprises and leaders shape the work of the Senate.

#EUTECC #SenatderWirtschaft #sustainable #social 

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SAVE THE DATE: EUTEC Actions to Fight Covid-19

Based on the many requests received, EUTEC has decided to hold an EUTEC Digital Talk about “Digital Tools to Stop Corona”.
If you are interested to join, please register at

🔜 DATE: Tuesday 24th of March 2020
⏰ TIME: 8:30 am
📍 LOCATION: Digital via Login

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