SDG #2: Zero Hunger

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Today, according to the UN, there are still 821 million people chronically undernourished and over 90 million children under 5 dangerously underweight as a direct result of environmental degradation, droughts and biodiversity loss.

Goal #2 of the UN SDG aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. However, this can only be achieved by using innovative technologies to tackle the primary causes. Key solutions include the
development of rural infrastructure, supporting local communities, the development of sustainable agriculture whilst ensuring
environmental protection and biodiversity.

EUTECC build bridges between innovative EU companies and local communities to tackle the most urgent issues of our time and to achieve the SDGs. Are you ready to join us and make a positive impact?

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#EUTECC #zerohunger #sustainable #social #foodsecurity #rethink

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