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UNSDG Goal 5: Gender Equality

Gender equality is essentially a question of power. We still live in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture. This must change,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said at the opening of the Commission on the Status of Women.

Decades of evidence show that women’s participation enhances economic results, prompts greater investment in social protection, leads to more sustainable peace and advances #ClimateAction.

Now it is the #COVID19 response that has spotlighted the great power of women’s leadership. Over the past year, women leaders are among those who have kept transmission rates low and put countries on track for recovery. Women’s organizations have filled crucial gaps in the provision of services and information, especially at the community level. Greater gender balance has led to better responses.”

The EU Tech Chamber deeply believes Gender Equality and established our Women in Tech Commission. We are bringing voices of women in technology fields together, supporting networks for women in startups, facilitating representation of women in leadership, raising the awareness of the importance and confidence of women’s role in technology.

“Together, we have a chance to leave behind entrenched exclusion, and build a just and equal future.”


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