Technology Obliges

December 15, 2022 (CET) @ 9:00 AM

SDG Alliance -Trends and Opportunities in SDG Sectors

The United Nations declared 2020-2030 as the “Decade of Action” to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to accelerate action and delivery of solutions. After COVID-19 disrupting this momentum and posing a threat to progress, several important trends and opportunities are set to guide business interactions with the SDGs in coming years.

To take a closer look at trends and opportunities faced by developing countries in achieving the SDGs, the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) SDG Alliance organized a webinar on November 10, 2022. The topic under discussion was, “Trends and Opportunities in SDG Sectors”.

The webinar started off with a brief overview of the organization and a formal introduction of the panelists by Ms. Celisa Day. The webinar was co-moderated by Mr. Osama Ali, who is the new coordinator of the SDG Alliance.

The four panelists who participated in today’s event were:
• Dr. Stefan Bund, Partner at SDG Investments
• Mr. Marc Buckley, Founder of ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation
• Mr. Cas Smitsmans, Sustainability Consultant at TheRockGroup & Co-Founder of SDG Traineeship
• Mr. Rajeshwar Bachu, Founder of Zero-Carbon & Co-Founder of 42hacks
• Mr. David Connor, Founder of 2030hub

While addressing the webinar, the speakers focused on the market systems along with the trends and opportunities in SDG Sectors. During the keynote speech, Dr Stefan Bund gave an in-depth presentation regarding the current market situation within the SDG sectors.

The speakers talked about impact investing as an important contributor to the SDGs as it enables private capital to address social challenges. They also urged investors to target opportunities in green projects that promote sustainable development and reduce carbon emissions.

We want to thank our respectable speakers for their informed insights on this much-needed topic. Moreover, special thanks to Ms. Celisa Day and Mr. Osama Ali for moderating the webinar and distributing Tree-Certificates to the panelists.

Above all, sincere thanks to all our attendees – your comments, compliments, and questions. Stay tuned for our next SDGs Alliance webinar on January 12, 2023, about “Blockchain Potential for Progress in Food Safety”.

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