Technology Obliges

24 February – EU Tech Chamber Latin America Chapter – After Event

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Our today’s EU Tech Latin American Chapter Digital Panel on the topic “Technological Innovation and Collaborations in the era of Covid 19″ has obtained excellent comments!
We explored how technology and innovation can provide new tools and opportunities for the region to address the current crisis and overcome long-term development challenges through collaborations.
Sincere thanks to our guest speakers Daniel Martínez Pereira, Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer at Copper3D and to Héctor Loyola, Co-founder of Qactus & HackThePandemic for sharing your valuable insights and contributing such a great Panel. We also would like to thank our Board Member Javier Lopez for this great opening speech and also our Chairman Florian von Tucher for the inspirational introduction of the EU Tech Chamber.
Last but not least, heartfelt thanks to our participants who have taken time and join the event. Thanks all for the support and hope to see you all soon in our upcoming events.
Remember to register to our EU Tech Latin America Chapter Digital Panel in March:

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