Technology Obliges

16 March – EU Tech Chamber Women In Tech Commission – After Event

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Our today’s Women in Tech Commission Digital Panel has gained great feedback.

Surrounding the topic “How Women Entrepreneurs Impact the World”, we had a lively discussion and provided how women entrepreneurs contribute significantly to innovation, job creation, and economies around the world.

Sincere thanks to our guest speakers Klaus Miserra, Director Management Consulting at Grow.ME ; Nathalie Kazzi, CEO Blue Tree Advisors; Baiba Ziga , Founder of Lakehouse Consulting and Anna – Katharina Schaper, Research Assistant with teaching responsibilities at the Chair of China Business and Economics at the University of Würzburg for sharing your valuable insights and contributing such a great Panel.

We also would like to thank our Board Member Sierra von Tucher for facilitating the panel and leading this inspiring discussion; to our Chairman Florian von Tucher’s inspirational introduction.

Last but not least, heartfelt thanks to our participants who have taken time and join the event. Thanks all for the support and hope to see you all soon in our upcoming events.

Stay tuned and already register to our next Digital Panel:


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