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EU Tech Flash Latin America Chapter

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At the EU Tech Chamber, we build bridges with technology between Latin America and Europe by facilitating the access for new innovation technological.

Latin America is the place of full opportunities to outsource your development projects to achieve better results and develop sustainable relationships thanks to cultural similarities. Technical workforce in these countries is growing steadily & will continue to grow, and this is one of the most prominent reasons for outsourcing.

Latin America offers advantage in cost savings and cost-efficiency for companies outsource and is a global marketplace expanding is evolving more rapidly optimizing the profitability of their projects.

By investing in LATAM and exporting the best European practices in equality, sustainability, compliance and transparency, European companies will contribute to making LATAM a more prosperous region.

Together, Europe and Latin America must play a primary role in the design of the world of the future, a world in which our shared values of providing social responsibility, prosperity, equal opportunity and sustainable development are reflected at a global level through technology.

Learn more about EU Tech Chamber’s Latin America Chapter in this Tech Flash!

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