Technology Obliges

15 April – EU Tech Chamber Digital Transformation Council- After Event

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With over 100 registered attendees the EU Tech Chamber’s Digital Transformation Digital Panel on the topic “The Importance of the Right Mindset in Digital Transformation” successfully kicked-off on the 15th of April!

Sincere thanks for such a great webinar to our panelists Raj Hayer, Founder & CEO of TinyBox Academy, and Walter Scheer, Business transformation lead for sharing your valuable knowledge on the field of Digital Transformation. It was a pleasure to have you!

We also would like to thank our EU Tech Chamber Director Finance Commission Manuel Gonzalez Villavecchia Gonzales for his inspirational introduction and Chair Digital Transformation Council Maria Jose Perea Marquez for leading this lively session.

Stay tuned for our next webinar on May 20th on “Digital Transformation of the Finance Industry” and register already now:

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