Technology Obliges

13 May – EU Tech Chamber Ethics & SDGs Commission – Topic: Global Ethics and Social Responsibility

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When companies expand into global markets, they must take their codes of ethics and policies on CSR with them. As citizen of several countries, a multinational corporation has several responsibilities. These responsibilities include respecting local practices and customs, ensuring that there is harmony between the organization´s staff and the host population. Would you like to know more about such important topic in our days? How would you do it in your case? Would you like to learn from some global company examples?

Please allow us to take the honor to welcome you to join our upcoming Ethics & SDGs Commission Digital Panel on “Global Ethics and Social Responsibility” on Thursday May 13th 2021 starting at 9:00 am CET, and allow yourself to know how EU Tech Chamber helps to apply technologies in order to contribute such this necessary and important process for companies.

Do not miss the opportunity and register here in our new Virtual EU Tech Center:

DATE               Thursday, May 13, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 10.30 am CEST 

LOCATION    EU Tech Virtual Center

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