5 January – EU Tech Chamber Finance Commission – Topic: Why Impact Investing Is On The Rise

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How Impact Investing can help generate a measurable, positive social or environmental impact next to a financial return? Do not miss the next Digital Event of our Digital Investment Series on the topic “Why Impact Investing Is On The Rise” on Tuesday, Jan 5th 2021 at 9:00 am CET, where we deal with the question why its indispensable for young companies to build on impact investing.

Europe has many innovative Start Up’s with ingenious ideas – but often these promising companies fail because they do not possess a sustainable and healthy financial basis. EU Tech Chamber (EUTEC)’s Finance Commission is designed to give expert advisory on funding opportunities from European programs to private investors and help to find the right match.

Within our next Finance Commission Digital Event, we will display the diverse ways that investment capital can generate positive social and/or environmental impact alongside financial returns.

Register now here for our Finance Commission Digital Panel:

Key Information:

DATE               Tuesday, January 5, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m. CET 

LOCATION     Zoom Webinar

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Through the strategic and well-placed use of technology, the EU Tech Chamber seeks to achieve better cooperation and integration of the European Senate. European Senate is an honorable council of well-known and respected European figures in the fields of business, politics, science, and technology that advises the government on common good interests in the partnership with the European Technology Chamber (EUTECH).

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