Technology Obliges

3 March – EU Tech Chamber Academy Commission – Topic: Let’s reinvent tomorrow

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With recent consequences of Covid-19 pandemic on our societies, economies & our lives, along with worldwide structural changes led by technological break-through, economies transformation, human behaviors & interaction changes, it is important to stop for a moment & perceive the current Status Quo. There is so much room to reinvent and improve our tomorrow with the help of European Technology – in all fields, sectors & functions.

What’s our objective? Set the building blocks for the prosperity and growth of future generations. Come join our EU Tech Academy Commission Digital Panel on March 3rd at 9:00 am CET for a joint discussion and brainstorming on “Let’s reinvent tomorrow”.

Register now and join us:

DATE               Tuesday, March 3, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 10.30 am CET 

LOCATION     Zoom Webinar

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