Technology Obliges

7 April – EU Tech Chamber Academy Commission – Topic: Leadership in the Digital Era

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A world that is changing by the minute; A business is disrupting or being disrupted. This is the Era we are living in. The wave of digital transformation is affecting entire business models. The way we communicate, analyze, recruit, manage or lead have been transformed significantly. The digital era is forcing companies to update their leadership programs to produce a new breed of leaders, the digital era leaders.

But what actually defines a great leader in the digital era? What differences are there between the traditional leaders and the leaders in the digital era? Do you have strong digital leaders in place? The EU Tech Chamber Academy Commission sincerely invites you to our upcoming digital panel on “Leadership in the Digital Era” on April 7th Wednesday at 9am CET.

We look forward to an insightful discussion. Register here and see you there in the event:

Register now:

DATE               Wednesday, April 7, 2021

TIME                09:00 a.m.  – 10.30 am CET 

LOCATION     Zoom Webinar

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